Three Czech films are set to make their respective premiers at the Venice Film Festival set to take place later this summer, putting the country under...
A brand new Blade Runner TV miniseries, from Amazon Prime Video, has officially begun filming in Prague as will serve as the sequel to the 1982...
Jazz pianist and composer Tomáš Sýkora, along with his group, have officially teamed up with electronica artist Aid Kid to produce a joint album called Alchemy,...
Boston Bruins veteran forward David Pastrňák has won the Golden Hockey Stick award for the seventh time following the conclusion of the World Championships in which...
For one of the most famous authors in Czechia, Jaroslav Rudis, it’s all about the connectivity that exists in Central Europe as he is about to...
Famous sculptor and artist Petr Váňa , who is well know in Czechia and whose best-known work is considered to be the replica of the 1650...
Andrej Babiš’ ANO party, Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party and Austria’s far-right FPÖ have officially announced the formation of a joint alliance within the European Parliament that...